REVLY Resolutions 2022

REVLY Resolutions 2022

With 2021 coming to an end, here at REVLY, we want to ring in the new year with some good intentions! Yes, flossing your teeth and making your bed are all good resolutions for 2022, but we have decided to dive a little deeper this year. We have compiled a list of New Year's Resolutions to get you feeling motivated, inspired, and excited about the year ahead of us- keep reading to find the ones that resonate with you the most!

Start focusing on how you FEEL, not how you look:

Social media has had such a large impact on how we view ourselves, and has led to a lot of comparing ourselves to the people we see online. This year we want to shift the mindset. It's not about how you look, but rather, it's about how you feel in your body. Our bodies do so much for us, and wishing them to be smaller will only cause you strife in 2022. Focus on how you feel in your skin, love your body for how healthy and strong it is, and work on shaping the best version of yourself in 2022. 

Classic High-Rise Legging - Neptune


Get outside more:

Whether it's a 5 minute stroll around the block, 10 minutes of basking in the morning sun, or taking your workout to your local park, let's aim for more sunlight and fresh air in 2022. It's proven that morning sunlight can help in balancing your circadian rhythm and give you more energy throughout your day, so this year, let's set the goal of spending more time outside. Not only will it add to your healthy lifestyle, but it will give you an awesome tan!


Take rest when you need it:

Overworking oneself has become way too popular in the past couple years, and we are here to remind you of how important it is to rest. When your body asks for it, give it rest. This doesn't have to mean hibernating for 3 days straight, but can be as small as doing a face mask, taking a couple hours off your phone, or simply reading a book. Here at REVLY we are all about romanticizing self-care, prioritizing a good night's sleep, and taking that break when you really need it - it will make you more productive in the long run! 

Rachele Hybrid Top - Lavender


Pick up a new hobby that brings you joy:

Adding more dimension to your life can bring you so much delight, satisfaction, and purpose! Try picking up a new hobby you are interested in, or restart one that used to make you smile. Hit the tennis courts with some girlfriends, start writing poetry, try to master a yoga flow, or even get crafty in the kitchen - choose one that will add to your life and overall happiness.

Read a book… or 10:

Yes, we are talking about a tangible, paper, real-life book! Reading is underrated in today’s world, and we want to bring it back in 2022. Start small, and pick up a book at your local bookstore that has been catching your eye lately. We are not saying you have to read the Odyssey cover to cover, but devote some time in your day to unplugging, cozying up, and reading the “old-fashioned” way. We promise you'll love it!

Alex Hybrid Top


Focus on gratitude:

There is so much to be grateful for, and in this New Year, we want to start recognizing even the little things. Take 5 minutes a day and write down things you're grateful for, take some time to reflect on 2021, or simply tell your loved ones how much they matter to you - small gestures of gratitude go a long way. 

As 2021 comes to a close, we want to tell you how grateful we are for every one of you, REVLY fam! This year has had its ups and downs, but we are so thankful for all the love and support you have shown us this year! Heading into 2022, we want to start prioritizing our health, happiness, and longevity. Implement some (or all) of these resolutions into your New Year’s goals, and we promise you will love the results. 

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